Tuesday, 22 January 2008

A Blog of a different kind

Most of you who have read my blog will know I work in Christian TV and most of the content on my blog is based around Faith based media etc. this one however is going to be somewhat different.

I’m currently lying flat on my back with what the Doctor has diagnosed as a trapped Sciatic nerve – and have been for several days. Let me give you a very brief potted history of how this came about.

I have over the past few years had occasional attacks of back pain in the lower area of my back. My approach to these has always been the same – I am a Christian who believes that Jesus is alive and well and is the same yesterday, today and forever – I also believe that the healing ministry of Jesus is the same today as it was 2000 years ago – the bible (to me) makes it very clear that Jesus when he went to the cross TOOK ALL OUR SICKNESS AND DISEASE AND EXCHANGED THEM FOR HEALING, so I am healed!!! Usually I stand on this truth for a few days, carry on as normal and the pain goes.

Just prior to Christmas I had another attack of back pain, I did exactly as I have before and between Christmas and New Year the pain went – Praise God. However at about the same time I developed an irritating pain in my left leg – particularly around my thigh and ankle. It was not overly severe and if I adjusted the way I walked I could still get around. Then last Wednesday (16th Jan) I got out of bed to set off on a business trip to Israel for a few days – then going straight on to the US – BUT collapsed in agony on the floor of the bathroom and was NOT ABLE TO WALK due to excruciating pain in my left leg.

I then managed to crawl back to bed – with the support of my fantastic wife whose immediate reaction was not one of panic but one of prayer – she is a REAL woman of FAITH.

Anyway, to cut a longish story short, I eventually had the Doctor out on the Thursday who gave me horse strength painkillers and diagnosed a trapped nerve – and said see you next week. It was at this stage I had a choice, either come under the circumstances OR allow my Faith to raise me above the circumstances. I thankfully chose the later. I remember many years ago hearing a guy called Derek Prince talk about the word of God being his medicine and that is what I have chose to apply. I have certain scriptures that I read regularly that contain the promises of God – health, healing etc. PLUS I have a couple of “confessions” that I speak over myself and to my circumstances regularly and as I do this I sense my FAITH rising within me to see God’s healing TOTALLY manifest – I know that I know that I know that I know that it is coming!!!

Since then, I have continued to see breakthroughs. The pain has substantially subsided – I have no pain when I am lying down and have not had to take a single pain killer in over 80 hours now (which is fantastic) – also everytime I get up it is easier and I can stay on my feet longer till the pain builds up and I have to sit down – truly God is working his healing into me!!!

I know that very soon I will be totally healed and free of all pain and able to move around in total freedom and it will be to God’s Glory.

Now, I am sure some of you are asking questions (as I have) such as – why has it taken so long if you believe? Is your body not just healing itself? Why did you get sick in the first place? Etc.

Well in total honesty I can’t answer all these questions, I do know that I am learning an incredible amount right now about God’s Word, God’s Will for me, how Faith and Patience have to work together etc. and that these are critical lessons I must know for the future – God (as he always does) is turning this experience to my good – and in all honesty I don’t want to leave this place UNTIL I have learnt what God wants me to learn – do I want to be healed NOW and do I believe I will be – yes absolutely BUT also my priority is NOT my healing BUT getting to know God better – after all my wife says don’t seek the healing seek the healer – and that is my most desperate need to KNOW GOD MORE.

Let me also encourage you – God has a plan!!!! and it doesn’t always need us.

When this came on me last week, it could have been (and is still in some ways) incredibly inconvenient) I had 2 major trips on the horizon – BUT graciously God had already worked out a plan b for both.

Israel – GOD TV are planning a number of major events in Israel this year to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the nation. I was going to Israel for a series of meetings for planning purposes. The main reason was I had a colleague joining me from the US who will be doing a lot of the hands on when we are there and I was going to bring him up to speed – as it turned out he got up to speed a lot quicker being thrown in the deep end as I was not there – God’s plan b.

US – We were filming some important programmes in Washington DC and I was going to oversee these. However God knew and I have another colleague there who has been able to step into the breech and oversee these for me – the amazing thing is she is in the middle of a state wide trip to film testimonies all over the country and these 2 days are the ONLY ones she is not away – how good is God!!

So in conclusion. My healing is nearly manifest – it is here already (God’s word tells me that) – BUT the priority is getting to know God better as that will position me for the future MORE than just a quick answer to prayer – I believe I am learning things now that will underpin my Faith for many years. Also, be at peace – God has a plan B.

If you get 2 minutes and want to stand with me in prayer and believe God for my healing that would be great and I appreciate it – thanks to all my friends who are praying already – we’re nearly there – let’s push on through!!!!!

Next time a bit more of a normal Blog – please do comment and let me know your thoughts on this.

God’s Best.