Sunday, 28 September 2008

Roy Fields

This last weekend, my wife, son and I decided at the last minute to travel to Glasgow (about a 3 ½ hour drive from where we live) to go to a meeting at the Glasgow Elim Church where Roy Fields was ministering.

For those of you who may not be aware Roy was the main Worship Leader at the Lakeland Outpouring meetings (and a really nice guy). Roy and I got to know each other a little bit when I was in Lakeland and when I heard he was hear in the UK doing a 10 night tour I determined to go.

I have personally been surprised and dismayed by the willingness of some to both discount what happened in Lakeland (particularly when many who do so never went) and to further discount the ministries associated with it – so I for one was very glad Roy had determined to do this tour and take “it” to the Nations – starting with the UK.

Roy like most involved was deeply saddened by what happened with Todd and the way the outpouring ended – BUT also like most he thankfully has refused to be daunted and put off his ministry by it – we need more like him. For those who think Roy is “just” a Worship Leader because of what you may have seen in Lakeland – let me say he is far more than that. Roy, his wife and family spent the 3 ½ years prior to Lakeland travelling in an SUV with a trailer up and down the east coast of the US spending time in churches igniting fires of revival – so he is what you might call a “seasoned campaigner” – he is also MUCH more than a Worship Leader – he is a great preacher with a real heart for preaching the Gospel and seeing people come to know Jesus.

Anyway it was with a degree of trepidation that I approached the meeting on Friday. Having been to Lakeland and experienced what I can only describe as the most tangible presence of the Lord that I have experienced anywhere during the worship (led by Roy) I was concerned that this may fall WELL short of that. However within 6 bars of the Worship starting I could have closed my eyes and been transported back to Lakeland, the presence of God was profound – I can only liken it to God smiling constantly on his people – it was awesome.

It was a great meeting, the worship was intense (both Stephen and Janice loved it too), Roy preached a great (and highly entertaining) message and then had a great altar call. I didn’t count but there must have been at least 15 people who became Christians that night (probably more) – in all over the 10 days they have been on tour they have had over 600 people saved – cool!!

Afterwards I found myself reflecting on why the meeting was so good and why the presence of God was so heavy – believe me I really don’t think it was down to Roy on his own. The thing that struck me was that at one point the “MC” asked how many people had watched the outpouring from Lakeland on GOD TV and at least 400 people of the close on 600 who were there put their hands up – and that I believe is the key thing. People’s hearts were prepared, they came hungry, desperate to experience God and be changed by being in his presence – they knew this could be different they expected to meet with God. I truly believe when you have that many hungry people in one place God will move in a tremendous way.

That I believe IS the legacy of Lakeland – it has put a new hunger in the hearts of God’s people who either went or watched it – that’s also how God can turn what the enemy has meant for harm (Todd’s fall and the end of the outpouring) to good – as it says in Romans 8 v 28 – “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” (NLT) – I truly believe that Lakeland ending has forced people like Roy to take “it” to the nations and if we will remain hungry and expectant we will absolutely see revival in our lives, churches, communities and nations – the onus is on us – will we continue to hunger for God in the same way we did when Lakeland was happening – if so we will see him move.

It was GREAT to see Roy and experience the presence of the Lord in that way again – I pray you all will get the chance to do so – please don’t be cynics, remain hungry and God will meet you too.

I’m also (for those who have not seen this) copying here a letter from the founders of GOD TV in connection with Lakeland and Todd Bentley – many have suggested (absurdly in my mind) GOD TV in some way should apologise for broadcasting the Outpouring and seeing thousands upon thousands of lives changed – well please read on as I think this is a great letter and answers many critics and is written in a real spirit of grace and humility – of course if you hated Lakeland you’ll probably hate this too – but please try and read with an open mind and more importantly an open heart.


Beloved GOD TV viewer,
In the light of many statements having been released about the LAKELAND OUTPOURING and concerning Todd Bentley’s marital situation, we sensed that the Lord has released us to write concerning this situation, so that you, our viewers would know our heart concerning this matter.
The first thing we feel led to do is to state unequivocally that in the same manner as the Lord instructed us to broadcast and serve TheCall gatherings with Lou Engle; to broadcast what was happening at the International House of Prayer with Mike Bickle; Rick Joyner and MorningStar; the Solemn assembly in San Francisco; BattleCry and Teen Mania with Ron Luce; Focus on the Family’s prayer event for America; the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem; and hundreds of other anointed events over the past three years, we believe that the Lord instructed us to broadcast the Outpouring services at Lakeland with Todd Bentley.
It was not a mistake.
It was not by mistake.
We believe it was a clear instruction from the Lord.
Over the past twelve years, but especially since our launch in America, we have in obedience to the Lord searched through the earth for those events and anointings that the Lord has laid on our hearts – to amplify their message and anointing to the Body of Christ in this crucial endtime hour that we live in.
The Lakeland Outpouring with Todd Bentley was one of those events. We received over 45 000 e-mails many, many of these heart rending, powerful testimonies from viewers across the earth of their bodies or their families bodies healed, their lives transformed and their hearts revived.
None of us have ever seen such significant fruit in all the years of broadcast.
Far more profound than that were the desperate cries for help. I (Wendy), would go through the
live inbox and see the desperate cries from mothers, wives, sons and daughters, so many with TERMINALLY ILL husbands, wives, children, sometimes babies in arms – sensing HOPE in their situation that for so long had been without hope.
Just reading these prayer requests would bring one to tears –
We are often so cloistered from the agony of peoples day by day real life agonies - and their agonies were written there.
So much so - that we both sensed that we would need the word of the Lord under the fear of God to stop these broadcasts with the life changing impact they were having in homes not only in the UK and America but all across the world. And the Glory of the Living God that was being imparted.
We both kept a very close pulse on the revival since the start of its broadcast - we had first hand knowledge of the enormous criticism, persecution and reviling that Todd Bentley was receiving (often we were second contenders for it) but it was Todd Bentley and the Fresh Fire team who received the terrible weight of this.
Todd ministered each day as the revival continued but was consistently and unrelentingly criticized, maligned, persecuted - the attacks grew increasingly violent - and the heartbreaking thing was that so much of it came from the Church.
At the same time, Todd was facing a second wave of attack. This was from the covens, the warlocks - we heard firsthand concerning some of these assignments. The enemy had heard of the great honouring of the Lamb and was determined to destroy it - BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE AND AT ANY COST.
And the cost was Todd Bentley.
Was it because Todd was vulnerable and certain areas of his life were not surrendered wholly? Yes – like so many of us - in all probability.
Was it because the character of Christ was not yet formed in him in the equivalent measure to his gifting? Yes - like so many of us - in all probability.
Could it be the case that there but for the grace of God go YOU AND I… Yes - In all probability.
Some of the areas in our lives are watertight and have been honed and refined and polished by the Lord while still other areas in our lives are often still in desperate need of attention. We are an ongoing work and we work out our salvation with fear and trembling.
Well - all ministers who preach should ensure their lives are in order, you may be saying.
Yes - we and our board and our minister peers across the globe agree wholeheartedly.
And yet, beloved - unfortunately, THERE ARE TIMES when satan comes unawares and targets a vulnerable area whose weaknesses only become apparent under the most enormous and unrelenting pressure brought to bear.
We believe and of course this is just our personal opinion, that the revival stirred up the satanic realms in a manner that has rarely been seen and with a violent wrath.
It is difficult to understand the degree of spiritual battle that comes against a leader. We have learned we need to protect the move of God with greater prayer for leaders, including ourselves. The body of Christ is growing in greater transparency and accountability, and this too should be a subject of prayer.
Should all of us wait till we are as perfect and as watertight as can be and mature in every area - that of course, would be the safest course of action, but the truth is that most of us would be 90 years old!
The Lord who made us and knows that we are as dust and yet looks on us with His great mercies and compassions knows this and He the sovereign God of heaven and earth still chooses to take a GOD-risk on you and I every day of our lives.
That even under the most intense pressure that we would choose HIM.
That we would love HIM.
That in times of intense duress and temptation that we would follow HIM.
And let it be so - even more in all our lives, but beloved - let us not forget so many of those who walk in ministry across the earth today with such COURAGE and FERVOUR and lay their lives down for HIS CAUSE at great cost to themselves - Todd and Shonnah sowed their lives to sow the seeds of revival and we believe became a supreme target of the enemy.
On the June 23rd, Todd actually spoke openly and with great vulnerability of his and Shonnah’s previous marriage challenges and how they had faced those challenges and the Lord had begun His work. He did not try to hide their struggle but shared their ongoing journey.
As Rick Joyner so wisely put it –
"In marriage, I have learned there are those who admit they have been through times when they wondered if their marriage would make it, and then there are liars. Relationships are hard, and the closer they are, the harder they can be. I tell everyone that I give premarital counselling to that the Lord has ordained their marriage in order to kill both of them! That is true. It is also worth it! The greatest gift He gave to man was marriage and family. However, to have a marriage that is good, both will have to die to themselves. If either one does not make the commitment to lay down their life for their mate and their family, then what was meant to be heaven can be hell."
It is an ongoing walk - and we all are ongoing works. But the Lord said something to us some years ago - He said - When you hate sin because it HURTS ME - then it will lose its grip on you. When you hate sin because it displeases ME - its hold diminishes.
The Lord also shared with us that someone can be deceived in an AREA of sin but it does not necessarily mean that in every area of his or her life or ministry, they were walking in deception as some critics of the revival may lean to believe.
And who is to judge that the Lord does not hold the violent unleashing of criticism and faultfinding and tearing down and divisiveness of the heresy hunters, as severe a sin as separation in a marriage?
We will find out before the judgement seat in eternity.
One of our greatest grievings has been to see how many in the church backtracked to protect their own reputations. We have been truly refreshed by several close ministry friends with their uncompromising love of truth and lack of a man pleasing spirit that has arisen in the church in the light of the Lakeland aftermath. They have given us fresh courage when we grew weary.
So beloved friend –
Do we at GOD TV refute the Outpouring? NO.
We are presently planning to broadcast other offshoots of Lakeland in both the United Kingdom and America, including revival meetings in Dudley, England.
We have determined in our hearts to follow the Lord with all our might as courageously and as boldly as we can, to reject the pressures to bow to a man pleasing spirit but instead to humble ourselves under the Fathers leading.
For HE is our all in all.
He is our great desire.
Finally, dear friends, while we defend and rejoice in the many ten thousands that God lifted and healed, we also know that there were dear souls, sheep, who were scattered as a result of Todd’s personal choices. The Bible says that “hope deferred makes the heart sick” and this is the last thing GOD TV would want to see happen. We are praying for any that stumbled and believing that the Lord will restore them to Himself.
Remember: this was never about Todd Bentley. It was always about the Holy Spirit and the fact that God loved you and I. It was GOD who touched our lives.
One thing, we felt impressed upon our hearts thirteen years ago when we first launched this ministry. That the Father will allow none of us - whether in ministry or as a viewer to hold idolatry in our hearts for any man.
For the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit alone are to receive our worship.
We continue on the road to maturity.
We continue our efforts to serve an end time spiritual army.
We continue to try each day to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of the ONLY one who is worthy of ALL adoration.
Remember also, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Let’s turn our eyes toward Him and away from our trust in man.
He who sent His only begotten Son.
The Great Father of Compassions.
To Him alone we bow.
Personally we believe that the best is yet to come.
For our King and His Kingdom
Rory and Wendy

Saturday, 13 September 2008

Working with Clients

Here’s a question for you – how do you balance your creative impulses and desires with conflicting views from Clients?

This is something we run into occasionally as we work with Clients where we will have an idea or opinion based on our perceptions of what would work best for them and their opinion differs or even sometimes (though not often) is at the complete opposite extreme of the spectrum – how do you deal with that and still retain both the client and your creative integrity, well here are some suggestions that I try and operate:

1. There’s an old adage that the Customer is always right. Well I disagree – the customer is clearly not always right, BUT something nearer the truth would be – the customer is never wrong. If you have that approach it leads to dialogue, explanations and engagement – the other just leads to frustration.
2. Don’t just reject their idea out of hand because you think you know best after all you do this for a living – they are the client and they actually may know what they want to achieve better than you – you may have misinterpreted the brief.
3. Equally though don’t just go along with what they want – you might be right and by just simply agreeing you may be doing them a grave disservice.
4. Hold everything likely and try NOT to let your ego get in the way. At the end of the day it’s about making it work for everyone – it’s not about “it must be my way or no way” – grow up.
5. Engage in discussion and collaboration and don’t be unwilling to get other advice or a 2nd opinion – I firmly believe that the very best work comes out of collaboration and team work – so use that as your ultimate goal and 99 times out of 100 you’ll resolve it and come up with a plan that will work for everyone. I’ve never yet had to walk away from a job due to creative disagreements.

Of course ultimately if can’t resolve things then you only have 2 options – do it their way (they’re paying you remember) or walk away – that choice has to be an individual one but I do believe if you apply the points above – this outcome will be very rare.

Monday, 1 September 2008

Identifying Giftings

If you’re like me, you will often find yourself getting irritated by small little things associated with the work you do even when you are not at work.

I mean, for those of us who work in TV, can you actually watch TV without looking at lighting, camera technique, framing, focus etc? – I know I often can’t! (I still shout at the telly trying to get the Director's attention).

This was highlighted for me the other day by my wife. We were at a Christian conference for a week’s vacation – though mine was cut short by a few days due to work. She found herself standing in a long queue to get a doughnut (its worth the wait though) one morning and getting more and more frustrated by the seeming lack of organisation – she later said to me words to the effect of “Why can’t I stand there and not get wound up by this – but just accept it”. They made me think and I actually came up with what I think is an answer.

One of my wife’s greatest strengths – you might call it gifting or even anointing is in the area of administration and organisation, and it occurred to me that the reason she was getting wound up was that the situation (the lack of organisation) was an affront to her gifting – and in fact she wanted to operate in her gifting and try and change it to organise things better.

I think that’s fine BUT a key thing I think you have to learn is that you have to find a way of dealing with these issues so that you don’t constantly live a life of frustration and I think the key here could be summed up in an old prayer (that I’ll probably misquote):

“God help me to change the things I can change, accept the things I can’t change and grant me wisdom to know the difference” – I think peace can be found for all of us here.

Sometimes we simply cannot do anything to change things – such as my wife standing in the doughnut queue (or me shouting at the telly) and here we have to let these things go – NOT get uptight at the fact we can’t turn our “gifting” off BUT rather rejoice in the giftings we have but LET IT GO so we don’t get wound up. I think the first step for dealing with this is knowing and accepting our giftings and then we can CHOOSE to let these things go past without getting all twisted out if shape by them.

There’s one other very quick thing though I’d like to suggest which this thinking led me to. Often we come across people who say they don’t know where their giftings lie – well maybe there’s an answer to this in the above and we can help and guide them, by asking them what kind of things, situations etc. wind them up or frustrate them. This could be particularly true for those who sense a call to the media but are unclear on what specific area that maybe. Perhaps we need to work with them to identify what kind of things grate on them as they watch and listen – maybe they get wound up by sound quality (then perhaps audio is their thing) or story construction (maybe then more directing or writing) or the pace, shot order etc. (then perhaps they are editors) – this certainly may help us in our organisations to get the right people in the right positions (particularly when it comes to new entrants or youngsters) – and if we can achieve that we’ll have MUCH more success in everything we do and also much more contented people working with and for us – as they will be flowing in their gifts.

Let me know what you think on the above – could I be onto something here – I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences.