Tuesday, 10 March 2009

The dumb things we say as Christians

I was recently watching a programme on a Christian TV station here in the UK both of which will remain nameless – however I do feel the need as a “communicator” to comment on one of the statements I heard while watching.

It was actually a question posed by a person I have a lot of time and respect for – but in all honesty he should have known better and I was very surprised when I heard it.

Here was the situation, they were discussing the “media” and particularly ITV (which here in the UK is our “2nd” network and is unashamedly commercial. Currently the company is in turmoil, and is about to layoff a LOT of people. The statement went something like – “back in the 1980’s ITV used to make a lot of good TV programmes – including the award winning “Jesus of Nazareth” – now it seems to be making more entertainment programmes, many of which are certainly not “Godly” and they have all but done away with their “religious” content. In the light of its current turmoil, do you think God is judging ITV”.

Well – I screamed at the TV at that point – NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

OK, I’m not going to get into a theological debate about God judging anything in this dispensation of Grace that we are in – that’s not my big issue with this statement. What amazed me was that anyone in their right mind could isolate the case of one media-company from the entire world economic downturn and believe the reason they were struggling was because they had stopped making Christian programmes. Have they missed the fact that virtually ALL media companies are struggling right now – including some Christian ones (maybe God’s judging them too).

I’m not going to get into the whole economic situation and why a company like ITV is struggling etc. there are far better placed people than me to do that – rather what I want to take issue with is the dumb statements we come out with and PLEAD with all of us to think before we open our mouths. We never know who is watching – worst case we have a responsibility to our viewers to think about what we are saying and not throw out statements they may latch onto and take as “gospel” due to who is saying it. Best case – hopefully there will be non believers watching who through what we say can get an idea of the love and mercy of God – rather than think we are all totally off our heads.

The responsibility we have been given as communicators is a big one – we MUST NOT take it lightly and we MUST think about what we are saying and what our audience may think about what we are saying – anyone in their right mind can see that this statement simply does not stack up. I don’t want to have a go at this as this as an isolated case – rather use it to heighten our awareness of these things and hopefully introduce a more sober approach to what we say when we get the chance and the privilege to communicate to a TV (or radio) audience.

What do you think – do we take what we do seriously enough? Are we just blowing hot air a lot of the time? How can we be more thoughtful in the things we say? – I’d love to hear from you.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

A lesson in trusting God

NOTE – I wrote this blog at 11pm local time in Nairobi, Kenya on March 2nd.

I don’t know how many times I fail to get this right and end up worrying when I shouldn’t – but God is always gracious and still always come through for me even when I’m not sure – I am blessed.

The latest situation I have found myself in regarding learning that God is ALWAYS faithful and can ALWAYS be trusted came on a very recent trip to Kenya (in fact as I write this I am still in Kenya). I went to Kenya to carry out a recce for a possible production that I am involved with in a few weeks time. Prior to going I knew I needed things to come together pretty quickly as we don’t have much time – and yet on the surface despite all my attempts to get things set up it didn’t look promising.

When I arrived, I faced the following challenges:

The person who runs the local office was not there and may not even come.
The person I had lined up to be the local production manager I couldn’t get hold of at all – despite LOTS of attempts – I thought she had dropped off the face of the earth.
I had no local help, contacts or transport and no clue of where I was going, who I could meet with or how it was going to happen.
I needed to try and find at least 1 alternative location for the production – and didn’t have a clue where to start.
My luggage hadn’t arrived – so no chargers, no business cards and no clothes.
My hotel didn’t have a room for me and even when they sorted this they didn’t have a key to the room – so I had to wait and wait and wait.

Not a very promising start………………..

When you have these situations what do you do – panic or trust God? Well I am pleased to say I didn’t panic – however neither was I in a particularly trusting mood – I thought I could probably make it happen BUT certainly didn’t think it would be easy – I even said to my wife I might have to stay an extra couple of days in order to get things sorted.

However as always despite me, God came through. By the end of the following day I had achieved the following:

Found an alternative location for the production – and a far better one (though as I write this the final location decision is still to be made).
Found, contacted and met with my local coordinator on board and got her fully briefed and up and running.
Had a VERY successful series of meetings with lighting, staging, power etc with everything coming together.
Ended up with a very good driver for the day who knew everyone and everywhere and made the whole trip extremely productive – he knew exactly who I needed to meet.
Made arrangements for the person who runs the local office to come and meet us the following day.
Slept in the Presidential Suite of the hotel (why do I ALWAYS stay in nice places when my wife is not with me).
Got all the local crew and resources in place for the production.

All in all a very very productive 24 hours – why oh why can’t I learn that God will ALWAYS come through – in all the years of doing this he has never let me down – not even a little – so why did I sit the night before concerned if it would all come together and thinking that I had to make it all happen……………………

My faith is always tested on these issues – but God is incredible and even when I doubt him – he never ever fails me.

Now how big is my faith – well, one thing left – will British Airways get my bag to me before I leave – that’s real faith………………….

UPDATE – It’s now March 4th at 6am and I’m at Heathrow airport on my way back from Kenya. Two quick updates, about 3 ½ hours after writing the blog BA delivered my bag!!!! Also the following day we had another tremendously successful time, carried out 2 full technical site visits and now have a plan in place for the production – all is looking good. As I said above – we need to learn to trust God in EVERY situation.