Sunday, 22 February 2009

The Value of Christian Media to an event

As I write this (my first blog of 2009 – Happy New Year all) I am sitting at Toronto airport on my way back from directing an event called The Cry – a prayer event held in St John’s Newfoundland (boy it was cold). Those of you who know the Call it is similar to that but Canada driven and focused. Anyway, we had an awesome time and it was a great event and the people were wonderful to work with – really wanted us there and went out the way to make our lives easy – Faytene and team thanks.

Anyway the positive attitude of this crazy bunch of Canadians got me thinking why people don’t value more the presence of Christian Media at their event. For us as media people, it’s often a battle between the perceived needs and their importance of the event (which I fully understand) and the needs of us as a broadcaster. We seem to struggle to find middle ground somehow – and when it does work it works for everyone – but it often takes time to get there.

I find it bizarre that when you have potentially multiple thousands of people watching globally that the needs of the TV production are not considered far more important (or at the least equally important) than the needs of the few hundred or thousand people at the event. Now I must say I totally believe there is a balance and the TV/Media should never dictate what happens – that must be down to the event organisers – what I am talking about is more the aesthetics of the event – lighting, set, stage etc. all that doesn’t make massive amounts of difference to the event – but it does to the TV broadcast – why does it have to be so hard getting those needs met?

At the end of the day, the broadcaster can take the event and turn it (in the case of GOD TV) into a Global event – the guys at the Cry got that totally and so I have to say (thankfully) do many more that we work with – but with some it is still a battle – and with many we’ve been working with them over several years. We need to see that change – can I encourage you, if you are an event organiser or involved in production, staging etc. think BIGGER – by working WITH us as broadcaster rather than against us (or grudgingly putting up with us) we can change people’s lives on a GLOBAL basis.

The other thing I would say to media practitioners is it is vital that you SERVE the vision of the event organisers – they have the mandate for what they are doing allow them to do this and work with them to FULLY represent what THEY not YOU want to achieve – I’ll tell you, the broadcast will be far more effective that way – as you carry their anointing to the nations – get out the way and let God do what only God can do!!

One other point as an aside – and it is something I have mentioned before – why is it that it seems only GOD TV is prepared to put their money where their mouth is and cover events such as the Cry? Wendy Alec believes these events as being truly of global significance and time and again she is proved right – why are more broadcasters not bold enough to do this? This was the 5th Cry that had been held – BUT the first one that had ever been broadcast and GOD TV doesn’t even broadcast in Canada – where are the Canadian broadcasters – this is about their nation should they not be involved?

Anyway, I’d love to hear your thoughts and perspectives on all this – particularly the event organisers and those involved in covering them.

1 comment:

Siege Team said...

Graeme and World!

Now that the administrative dust is starting to settle a bit on TheCRY St. John's, in Canada, I wanted to comment on this!

Firstly, I want to say it was a TOTAL joy, honour and thrill to be able to work with GOD TV for TheCRY in St. John's. It was a privilege to get to lead the planet in prayer for 12 hours by virtue of mass media, and, give the world a some hard core, Jesus loving, Canadian-ese at the same time. Thanks GOD TV, your contribution to what the Lord is doing in the nations of the earth at this hour of human history is invaluable.

I also want to say that, understanding the importance of the mandate on GOD TV, it was a DELIGHT to do whatever we could to make your lives as easy as we could and the shoot the best we could. I understood, full well, that good shots on camera, a good back drop, good lighting etc. would help you capture the day in a way that would help people to really engage in what was happening -- and that was the goal.

Not only that, but, I think we have all heard people comment about Christian media sometimes being far below standard. We are trying to reach a generation -- what I love about GOD TV is that you consistently bring productions that are above standard. Not only does this appeal to my generation, but it reflects well on the Christian community and I think there is godliness in this. The Lord had amazing temple standards :). The ultimate goal is not just to have good production technically, but spiritually, HOWEVER I am of the mindset that we should go for both wherever and whenever possible.

The GOD TV crew are amazing and know what they are doing. As event hosts, I do believe it is 'proper' order to bend in whatever way we can to help them do their job to the best of their ability. To give one example, we had produced some media (videos) for the day -- about 7 I think -- and 3 of them got axed! I LoooooOVED THIS!!! It gave me a sense of security that GOD TV was really shooting for excellence. I was in now way offended, but comforted by the choice. The truth was that the content of those vids could be brought in other ways, and we will still use them on our web sites and in non-broadcast scenarios (so nothing is lost)...a live global broadcast was not the place for them due to their length and style. I appreciated that honesty. It WAS GOOD. I think this is just one example of how we, as ministries that are hosting GOD TV, need to trust their professional eye. They know what they are doing, and it was my JOY to empower them to do it with whatever ability I had...surrender being one :). LOVE IT.

As I said at the open of this comment, it was a joy and honour to have GOD TV with us. We really believe in your call and mandate - and - we thank you for bringing Canada to the world.

GOD TV, if every broadcaster and in the planet caught your DNA, it would only be a matter of time and we would be going for the 2nd billion (souls).

To the world: let's keep partnering and sowing into this media ministry that is reforming our planet.

We love you GOD TV and are praying for increase on ever side.

Faytene and TheCRY Team